BLEI Faculty Information and Certification Training

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Course features
  • Certification
  • Level: Facilitator/Strategist
  • Course Work and Trainings
  • Monthly Zoom Meetings and Replays
  • Procedures and Templates

BLEI Facilitator: Three month training for a certified faculty member who facilitates their own WLC Focus Group every month doing trainings on the Abundance Principles and facilitates the work sessions for the Business Design and Team Management Certification Series. BLEI Facilitators receive 20% commission on each training program the facilitate. 

BLEI Strategist: Six to nine month training for a certified faculty member who conducts their own group and private client trainings in the training areas of Business Design and Team Management Certification Series and Body Language Strategy. BLEI Strategist receive 82% commission of each training program they facilitate. 

BLEI Mission Statement
Elevating leaders to create influence and impact in every industry with high quality certified trainings in executive presence, business design and management, and empowering women in leadership. 
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BLEI Facilitator/Strategist Certification
We bring the highest level of training in the BLEI through certifying each Facilitator/Strategist in coursework and procedures focused on efficiency, high level communication, and integrity. 

Business Leadership Success

Elevating leaders to create efficiency and impact in business design and team management

Lesson series

BLEI Facilitator/Strategist Training

Kerstin Oleta

CEO and Owner, Business Leadership Excellence Institute
With 30 years of training and performing in theater and opera, Kerstin Oleta has acquired an in-depth knowledge of all levels of communication. Kerstin brings her unique skills, talents, and understanding of non-verbal communication to life. As the Founder of The Body Language Strategy Academy, Kerstin has developed a training system for learning to communicate leadership and executive presence through enhanced body language and expression, messaging, and intentional management skills.   Kerstin’s works with international speakers, bestselling authors, real estate professionals, and business executives in Fortune 500 companies.  She speaks and trains internationally on Body Language Strategy for Business and Executive Management for Leaders. She has performed keynote speeches, workshops, and executive training for organizations such as Google, eBay, the National Women's Council of Realtors, and Amazon.