Core Values for
Your Business

BLEI Business - Leadership Success Strategy

  •  eLearners

  • 30 minute

  • 10 hours

    Course duration
  • Business Self Assessment

    Free of charge
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    Magnetize Success and
    Fulfillment in Your Business

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    Core values are the root beliefs a person or organization operates from. They are the principal perspectives that guide a person or organization's behavior with others.

    How can focusing on your Core Values in your business bring you more success?

    • Aligning your efforts in your Core Values in your business decisions brings a higher level of motivation and fulfillment in your business outcomes. 
    • Greatly increases your physically and emotional energy levels and saves you time creating a better work/life balance making you less likely to experience burn out. 
    • Establishes the culture and tribe of your business by magnetizes and clarifies the type of person(s) you work with.
    • Having full alignment in your business engagements and relationships with your Core Values increases your rate of referrals streamlining and decreasing your marketing expenses while increasing your bottom line. 

    Kerstin Oleta

    Nation's Leading Body Language Strategist,
    International Keynote Speaker & Fortune 500 Executive Trainer, CEO of the Business Leadership Excellence Institute
    With over 30 years of training and performing in theater and opera, Kerstin Oleta has acquired an in-depth knowledge of all levels of communication. Kerstin brings her unique skills, talents, and understanding of non-verbal communication to life. Kerstin is the CEO and Founder of The Business Leadership Excellence Institute - a training system for learning to communicate leadership and executive presence through enhanced body language, and leadership and team management skills.

    Kerstin’s works with international speakers, bestselling authors, real estate professionals, lawyers, and business executives in Fortune 500 companies. She speaks and trains nationally on Body Language Strategy and Executive Management for Business and has performed keynote speeches and workshops for organizations such as Google, eBay Global, National Women's Council of Realtors, and Amazon.