BLE Institute Faculty Member

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Meet Trish Tatarek

Associate Body Language Strategist, Life Coach and Video Marketing Strategist
Trish has been blessed with a career focused on success, starting with working with corporate suite executives in Fortune 500 companies, helping them streamline procedures and incorporate organizational systems.
In addition, Trish has 30 years in the real estate industry as a new construction and top 5% resale broker. Her expertise in managing teams and new agents brought success from the beginning to the end of the sales and marketing processes.
As a Body Language and Video Marketing Strategist with a strong focus in Confidence, Trish empowers others to connect and create more success in their business presence to gain more sales in person and online.

Schedule a discovery call with Trish to learn more about the Business Leadership Excellence Institute !

Courses with Body Language Strategist
Trish Tatarek